Make your own SilkWing!

You should draw a SilkWing and then during my quiz color it along the way. I'm just suggesting an idea. Don't arrest me, PLEASE. Ok just kidding. OR AM I???

This quiz is kind of like my "Which SilkWing OC are you?" but I turned the tables. Now, you're allowed to makee your own name for your SilkWing pet!! Ok, let's do this!

Created by: Hazel DeCosta
  1. What do you want your SilkWing's eye color to be?
  2. What color should it's arms be?
  3. What color should it's snout be?
  4. Should it be strong or skinny?
  5. What color should it's wings be?
  6. What color should it's tail be?
  7. What's it's personality?
  8. What color should it's legs be?
  9. What gender will it be?
  10. Finally, did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Make my own SilkWing!
