magic/myths what/who r u?

hello! how are you? well this is a quiz, [duh] and i made it.[double duh] and if u like this than you will love this! [btw, kick me off my throne i hurt you!]

are u a god? or royalty? or a vampire? or a demi god? or a man named mr.grey? or a nymph/mermaid? PLEASE take this quiz to find out! amd um...have fun!

Created by: victoria

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. why would u get married?
  2. whats your favorite color?
  3. whats your style?
  4. where would u live?
  5. whos your favorite singer?
  6. whats ur fav book?
  7. whats a word that fits u?
  8. whos ur favorite god/God
  9. who r u?
  10. um... did u like this

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