Madi and Frida quiz

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There are many geniuses people in the world with very smart brains you are one of them and you must be proud of yourself congratiolations on your fantastic score !

Today you were good somewere inside you, you will find the power of your brain so you can do this quiz much better next time for us to be very proud of you you cant get everything right

Created by: Madison and Frida

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is our shoe sizes ?
  2. How many times have Frida And Madi been on stage ?
  3. Where does Frida and Madi live ?
  4. If you ever meet Madi or Frida what would you do ?
  5. Which instrument do we play ?
  6. When is Madis birthday ?
  7. when is Fridas birthday ?
  8. What is fridas eye colour ?
  9. What is madis eye colour ?
  10. Are madis and fridas ears pierceed
  11. Whats the name of our band ?

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