M&M L1ght or Darkness? 40026030

Hello everyone who has come across this quiz (by link, hopefully). This quiz is specially designed for the roleplayers of the M&M thread on Godville. Please do not do this quiz unless you are actually participating in this thread.

Created by: Silvermist7235 & PCK

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. (The following questions will be about your roleplay character on the M&M godville thread) Which do you think is stronger, light or dark?
  2. Do you consider yourself (roleplay character) as an optimistic or pessimistic person?
  3. Do you consider yourself silly or serious?
  4. Consider your character's backstory (if you don't have one, make one stat! Just for some questions, that's all) Did your character have a lot of friends or was s/he a loner?
  5. There is a troll guarding a bridge. He asks for one of you to step forward out of your little group of classmates. What do you do?
  6. If a friend of yours turned evil, what would you do?
  7. How did you feel when there wasn't any treasure at the Cherry Treasure Ball?
  8. If the test creator (me) ran out of question ideas, how would you feel?
  9. This is a filler!!!!!!
  10. How would you react if someone you liked secretly prefers someone else over you? (I wonder who I'm hinting at here)

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