lyk omg jess loves planes. =)

i'm not gonna tell you what it's about. this paragrapgh has to be like, some characters long and i'm really bored and don't feel like typing, and i'm running out of things to say, so i'm just gonna type and not even know what i'm saying, so don't mind me. okay i'm done.

same as the first paragraph. so yeah i'm bored and i can't wait until i'm done typing because this is really really bored and you should just skip this and take the quiz so you can fail already. =)

Created by: jess
  1. what is the color of my cell phone? and what is the ringtone
  2. what was once the fastest airplane in the world?
  3. how tall am i?
  4. whoooooo am i datingg?
  5. why do i love airplanes?
  6. with no pressurization at 39,000 feet, your time of useful conciousness (before you pass out) would be...?
  7. with no pressurization at 39,000 feet, your time of useful conciousness (before you pass out) would be...?
  8. how fast does a turbine spin? (hint hint: in a jet engine).
  9. whatss the name of my rabbit?
  10. why is my name sonic?
  11. below are 4 inciddents that occured in my pastt. =) for me, what one do you think hurt the most?
  12. summer of 06, i sprained my wrist. howw?

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