Lucky Test | Req: 50% or lower

This test will make you see if you are a lucky or a common person. If you are really lucky or a common person you should take this test to see. As sometimes you are more likely a common person than a lucky person.

I took the topics of this quiz and made it have 3 or more answers except for one. I checked the most popular answers and made it have 10 questions in this Lucky or Common Test.

Created by: Ryan
  1. What color are you thinking right now?
  2. What number are you thinking right now between 0-9?
  3. What letter are you thinking right now?
  4. What company are you thinking about right now from these 3?
  5. What search engine are you thinking about right now?
  6. What social media are you thinking about right now?
  7. What YouTuber are you thinking about right now?
  8. What video game app are you thinking right now?
  9. What candy are you thinking right now?
  10. What soda are you thinking right now?

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