Love Story: WOF

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Hi! I'm Sunflower_Petal but call me Sunflower! Here is your story: You are a female Sea/Silkwing hybrid named Moss. You are shy but intelligent and decently attractive. Your home life isn't the best but what can you do?

You have 3 things to hide: You are an animus, you work in close contact with the queen, your father is abusive physically and probably killed your mother. You're going to have 4 choices. Don't worry, theres 1 girl. Have fun!

Created by: Sunflower_Petal
  1. Your father is forcing you to go to school. You finally give in and when you get there, the first you recognize is:
  2. You decided to walk over to a bench but all of them were filled. Suddenly, the male Silkwing talking with the Leafwing calls you over. "I bet you're new, I'm Silequit and this is Twig." Silequit nodded towards the Leafwing sitting next to him. He is sheepishly staring at his talons. You respond:
  3. The bell rings and it's time for you to class. You can't find your class and when all hope seems lost, a Silkwing comes barreling down the hall. "HEY!! NEW KID!" she screams at you. You realize it's the female Silkwing from earlier. She catches up to you "Principle just told me we have the same class, let me show you the way." You respond by:
  4. The bell finally rings for lunch. You'r walking to what you can only hope is the lunchroom when someone throws you against a locker and corners you. You start to have a panic attack when suddenly a the Hivewing from this morning charges your attacker and claws him in the face. Your attacker runs away scared. "What in the hell did you do to piss him off?" he growls at you, now he is the one cornering you. You respond with:
  5. You make it to lunch in one piece. You see Silequit, Twig, the female Silkwing, and the Hivewing all sitting at a different table. You sit with:
  6. Time for your last class of the day. The teacher is nice so she introduces you to everyone. You earn the female Silkwing's name is Arachanid and the Hivewwing's is YellowStinger. She gives you the choice to pick who helps you get used to things in her class. You pick:
  7. Time to go home. You walk out to the courtyard and you see Yellowstinger and another Hivewing kissing. Wait a minute, wasn't that same Hivewing kissing the guy that cornered you? How do you respond?
  8. You and your dad got into a fight last night and he ended up knocking you unconscious with a lamp. When you get to school, Twig looks up and see's you. His face turns from happy to confused to worried and in a second, he's at your side. "What happened, are you okay?!" You respond:
  9. The bell rings and you start heading to class. Suddenly, the cheating whore of a Hivewing corners you and starts to beat you up. Again, YellowStinger comes to your rescue and grabs her by the wing and throws her to the floor. He puts his talons on your shoulders and looks you up and down. What do you say?
  10. Time for lunch again. Silequit and Twig are sitting together and Arachanid is sitting at her table. You also see Yellowstinger waving for his whore girlfriend to sit with him. No time to pick, suddenly, an explosion comes from the kitchen. You're only a few feet away so you get hit the hardest. You're barely conscious but you can tell all 4 of them were grabbing you and working together to carry you out. When you wake up, your in the hospital. Who do you see?

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