Love Story: Part One!!! | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Love Story: Part One!!!
HOT but in an emo sort of way. He really cares about you and is holdong back to let you choose for your self. His specialty is horse riding. He is great with animals and he is usally smells like horses, but you don't care! He is too hot!
ehehhehehhehe h.
Sammie hot.. x3 -
Lol, that was kinda random, i mean like out of no where 4 dudes knock you out because they all want to date you! Well, its still a good quiz! I got aiden!
hhhhmmmm... soooo... Cody? hmmmmm... sounds okay... why can't I call the police on these gay hobo-ish stalker kidnappers? *except you Cody!!!!!!!! ^.^*
Alex_W1 -
I LOVE SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! HES SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooooh, Aiden!
OMG i got sam he sounds so hot, good quiz , cant wait for part 2!!
OMG..this is just like "which will fall for you"..nice though but still..
Misty1011 -
SAM ATE HAM... lmfao he sounds hot xD
Cute quiz, I got sam. :)
srry the 2nd one is taken so long it wont let me make get to step 3 of quiz making!
I got Sam !!!!! YYYYaaaahhhh !!!
Xy6241 -
i got sam whens the second one comin out??
Sia1 -
oooooh matt ^.^
sssammm!!!! i <3 emo guys!!!!
sammmmmm!!!!!!!!!!! !! =D
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