Love!!!! part 12

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Welcome to this installment of Love!!!! I realize this is short and that I took a long time to get it out so I apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused.

These results dont count. Keep in mind that if I dont have five comments I will put the next part on hold until I do have enough comments. Sorry for making this short and late but please check out my other quizzes while waiting. Tell your friends! And dont forget to comment!

Created by: ILuvHolister

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You really didn't like that girl. One,she freaked you out and Two,because you hated people who were acting like they were contolling everything and that you had no say in anything. You faintly heard Jace's voice in your head. "Sarah,can you hear me?" you heard him say. "Yes." you replied back to him. You then knew that the guys had not forgotten about you in the least bit. And you also knew... that there was nothing to be afraid of. When you had "died", you recieved special abilities so that you could defeat Mike. But, what it seemed like was that Mike was doing this against his wiil. She was using compulsion on him. Compulsion was only given to very few people, it was a very rare power to have. With the contol she had on her power though, she must have used it frequently.
  2. Amber said "Take her away." Two guys appearing to be your age walked over. They both looked at you up and down. You looked down and saw that you were wering a seriously sl*** outfit. "amber." you muttered to yourself. You too were dressed in black. You were weraing a relatively reaveling black t short that didn't cover your stomach and a short black leather skirt with a chain on it. "Great, those guys are perverts." One of them had black hair and the other had red hair. There hair really fit in with the whole black and red thing. "Come with us." said the red haired one. You hesitated. "You'll be fine." the one with black hair whispered into your ear. "Well come on then Sarah. Move." said Amber. Her compulsion worked. Your legs began to move and you followed the black haired guy and the red haired guy to a room. They opened the door and you saw...
  3. A regular room. There was a couch a bed,lights, and even a t.v. "Master Michael, has ordered for you these accomidations." said the red haired one. He WAS resisting her compulsion. The black haired one grabbed a blanket and covered all his skin. "Vampire." said the red haired dude. You felt really scared.
  4. "what are your names?" you asked. "Logan." said the red haired one. "Dimitri." said the black haired one."why am I here?" you asked. "Because Amber wants one of you powers. The one that you haven't even realized you had yet." said dimitri. You couldn't stand watching him. So went to the light switch and turned off the light."Thanks." said Dimitri. "Why am I in such a nice room?" you asked. " No idea. I think your bait for the others." said Logan. Oh no. You were bait. The guys were gonna be in trouble. "Jace, i'm bait for you guys. Don't come." you said in your head. "Jace,eh." said Logan. "Don't trust strangers." said Dimitri. Then you got knocked out.
  5. Well dimitri and logan.. SEEMED like nice dudes. But come to think of it it was a bit suspicious how they talked to you. It was all part of some plan in Amber's sick and twisted mind. You thought about the guys. Then about your powers. You had to break out and end Amber or she would keep coming back to get you.
  6. (back to the guys) "Guys, Sarah is in trouble. I just contacted her." Screamed Jace. "Where is she!" Asked Luke. "Well, did she give any names? Or locations." Asked Alec. "Yes, she said everyone was dressed in black. That she saw mike and a girl named Amber who was using compulsion. That and that they rode in a van to the place and that Amber's henchmen were named Dimitri and Logan. Dimitri being a vampire." Said Jace. "I know the place." Said Luke. The guys looked at each other and shrugged. "Show us." They said. "of course." Luke said.
  7. Cliffhanger!!!!! Sorry to make this one soo short.
  8. Who do you love?
  9. .
  10. .

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