love is in the air... part 1 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz love is in the air... part 1.
That was... WOW!!!! Totally.... WOW!!!! It was so... WOWWY WOW!!! (is terrible at thinking of adjectives) I LOVED it!!!! It was too funny! Make part 2!!
Your Result: Josh
plz coment and rate thanks! :)uhhhhhh...why was the questions so long? and im glad i got josh not that creepo ethan and what happened to sam and phillip????
I would've taken it, but I don't take quizes with text talk
Your Result: Josh
plz coment and rate thanks! :) -
oops love_is_in_the_ air_part_2
where is part 4?????? i STILL cant find it!!
Icearrow1 -
part 2 almost out!!!!
:P i like ethan >:( oh well lol ppl dont gotta like da same ppl and i axadentally added them they r in the nxt quizes
>:P UR MEEEEN HATSHEPSUT i worked hard at this!! ;-; im working on part 2!!
its out! [no urls] ;D
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