Love Is Deadly...Part 2

Hey guys! Sequel to my first quiz...Love Is Deadly, which I made one or two hours ago! By the way, Im having fun with this. Its gets kind of weird, but bear with me okay? I really hole you enjoy!

Ah. I explained it all in the first paragraph. Recap man: Peter tried to kiss you, you punched him in the jaw, ran home, crashed on your bed. Yeah, so enjoy!

Created by: Im_NOT_Watching_YOU
When Will I Die Test
  1. So you crashed on your bed and dreamed that all the guys you have met were dancing marshmallows In disguise. Oh yeah! They also had guns and sunglasses. You woke up laughing your head off, and realized your alarm clock was beeping again. "OH SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" You take your twilight book and bring it down on top of your alarm clock. Its beeping slowly fades, and you say, "How ya like dem apples!" You get out of bed and wash up for the day. Both your parents are at work by the way. You walk out the front door in whatever clothes you chose, and decide today is going to be a happy day. You start belting out the spongebob them song when you feel a shake on your shoulder. You stop and turn to see....
  2. You see Danny, who's grinning from ear to ear. You blush. "I remember you! You gave me a latte!" You say. He bows and nods, taking your hand."I'm Danny."he tells you. You smile and say, "Cool name. I'm ____________"(Whatever your name is.) He looks a bit sad. You ask him what's wrong. "Nothing."he begins."That was just my mothers name. She passed. But I'm over it!!" He finishes. You shrug and begin walking. He walks with you, and out of the corner of your eye you spot Peter walking over angrily.
  3. Danny is about to say something when Peter yells, "HEY COFFEE BOY! FORGET TO DO SOMETHIN'?" Danny looks horribly upset when he hears Peters voice. You look concerned as Peter pulls Danny aside. Peter talk quietly to Danny, but you have good hearing so you hear pretty much everything. :P You listen as Peter speaks,"Are you crazy!! Crazy?! I mean come on, I tell ya to go to the damn girls house...give her a good time...and whadda ya do, go yakkity yack with another one."he punches Danny's arm. "If I were you, id get to that girls" Danny shakes his head, "But I don't like her Peter." Peter laughs and replies, "But I'm keeping your bro alive with my pediatricians. So!" Danny looks utterly defeated and runs off, to this "girls" house. You watch as Peter comes to you, kisses your cheek and jogs off.
  4. You decide to go home and think abut what Peter said. It all sounded very strange. Like the "give her a Good time" part. That was the weirdest part of them all.your cat, Poffinz, curls up beside you on the couch. You keep thinking and thinking until you hear a knock on the door. You sluggishly answer it and see Danny. Hey, its been an hour and a half.
  5. Danny looks extremely upset, and you nod to let him in. As you close the door, you think you see Alex...or Dallas? You get nervous and quickly close the door and go to Danny..who's seated on the couch. He had his hands on his face and is curled up, looking sad. You sit by him. "What's the matter Danny...?" Danny whimpers. "Actually, a lot. My brother is reallyyy sick. My parents are stuck in Alaska. And just to help my bro Jake...I have to...have too...." His voice stops and turns into a soft sob. You put your arm on his shoulder. Although you haven't known him long, you say,"C' can tell me anything..." He removes his hands from his face, revealing puffy eyes, and tear stained cheeks. "Ill tell you more than what i tell others..." He begins his story..
  6. "It was last month when it all started." Danny begins."It was the day my brothers cancer got worse. His lung cancer. Its only a matter of time before he goes up to heaven. Luckily, I met Peter, who's you know, rich. He told me he could get some really good docters for Jake, if I did him something in return until Jake was cured. I agreed. I was so eager for my brother to live. Then, it was 3 days after the deal. He got me into one of the bars his dad owned. You know, we're 17, so he had to pull some strings. But like that, we were in. He got me totally wasted, and took me to this girl. We talked for who knows how long, and we wound up sleeping together. Not like the gross stuff, but ya know, I was in my Pajama pants and boxers. Her in a small fitting shirt and shorty short Pajama shorts. I realized what the deal was then and there. He gives my bro doctors as long as I give the girls a good time and HE gets money..." he finally stops, and lays back on the couch. You bite your lip, letting his story sink in...
  7. He shakes his head and walks out. You cant believe what your just heard. Peter may be sick, but hes hot and rich. And awesome. So, maybe you could give him another chance. You sit back down with Poffinz, and drift to have a dream
  8. You dream of what Danny told you, and awake very quickly. Sickened by that dream, you grab a glass of water and make a sandwich, when you hear a crash outside...
  9. Cliffhanger...mwahaha?
  10. Who do you like?

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