love in the air (part 2)

This quiz is about your true love who is he is he martin, cody, ryan, sean,or nick? im not sure and i dont think you are either but here find that out.

who do you love? maybe if you havent done the 1st one you should that might help you with the people more but if you cant find it keep going this quiz is all fun all the time!

Created by: hip hop
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "thump" you hear "what the H-E-double hocky stix was that" said Lola "oh nothing" says nick trying to comfort everyone, you say "_______________________________"
  2. u hear a well u think its a mans voice well whatever it was it said "ow gawd dude whats ur problem"
  3. the two things c u guys "what the heck r u guys doing in this cave" says the hot blonde 1 with shades and seems to be staring at u with a weird look " listen bro u better back off ok we r here cuz we want to ok" says cody
  4. "well who r u guys" he says "no1 talkin?well i am jason i am the head jock of my school i have awesome byceps and well im hawt" (the answers will be what u THINK u will not say it)
  5. "well buddies meet my friend lance he dont talk he cant hes mute"
  6. "well JASON i am ____ these r my pals nick,martin,cody, ryan, sean, lola, mary, alexis, alex,and cassie" u say
  7. "well i see _____ wants to be my friend d u?
  8. "ok come with me u gys"says jason
  9. we r almost done but i want to know who u guys r loving so far
  10. why do u like this person
  11. ok this quiz is done did u like it

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