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Intriguing title, right? :p Love is....well, how does one explain love? Love is an undescribable feeling. Love is fascinating. We all want love—no matter what we think. But love comes on it's own terms; we must be patient for love.

If you were thinking about someone in that last paragraph, you're probably in love with them, or at leat have a crush. But take this quiz and find out ;)

Created by: Damask
  1. Imagine yourself at the most peaceful place on earth. He's right there next to you. You two are sitting in silence. Bliss.
  2. He reaches over and grabs your hand. What is your heart skin right now?
  3. There is no one around but you and him. Happiness fills the air and you feel...
  4. His other hand lifts to your face and brushes a strand of hair from your eyes. Your stomach....
  5. He leans in and kisses you.
  6. How did you feel during that kiss?
  7. What do you want to happen next?
  8. He stands up. Your first thought is...
  9. He holds out his hand to help you up.
  10. You expect him to lead you to the car. Instead, he pulls you in close.....
  11. .....and whispers "I love you". You feel....
  12. You reply....
  13. You hope....
  14. Everything feels....
  15. And he's....
  16. All I can think is.....
  17. I feel....
  18. Were you thinking about someone during this?

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