looking for someone :D (girls 10-13 ONLY!)

its just to get to know a little about you and then we can talk maybe. and we might be able to become friends if any one of you guys would like that lol

so i hope you enjoy this quiz its not really what im only looking for but its a lot of what i am looking for so if you guys get a low result then thats fine.

Created by: parker
  1. Can you do far relationships?
  2. Are you funny, and nice?
  3. Do you think you can help me go through problems if i have any?
  4. what color eyes do you have?
  5. what color hair do you have?
  6. last question. did you like this quiz? :D
  7. How much do you wiegh?
  8. are you athletic?
  9. do you like playing video games?
  10. are you lazy?

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