
What to find out what kind of person, you are? Well of you take my SHAMAZING quiz then you will find out no faults in this it's a foolproof system guaranteed!

Are you a geek who would rather be studying for a test in two years than "hang out" with actual people. Or are a annoying friend who always buts in and nobody likes or are you a slut or a general all rounded perfect person well take my quiz and find out!!!

Created by: Whelshine

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If someone comes up to you and asks you out you say
  2. A boy in your year asks you to go to his party you know loads of people are going you say..
  3. Your friends steel a vodka bottle and crack it open they offer you some you say
  4. Your friend tells you a big secret you want to share you go
  5. You have a maths test tomorrow you
  6. It's your birthday you want to
  7. You have a massive crush on this person in your year but they are already going out with someone you
  8. A girl you hate called Frankie is stealing all your friends but they hate her too only one girl likes her you
  9. You have met someone online they want to meet up you
  10. You realise that you have failed your exams you

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