Llamas!!!!!! I like llamas!!!

This quiz is allll about llamas! Hooray! The quiz everyone's been waiting for, but been afraid to request. Please answer truthfully, so the results are as accurate as possible.

This quiz will tell you whether you are a llama lover, or a llama hater! (BOO LLAMA HATERS!!) I wanted to make this quiz because... Well.. I love llamas! Even if they do spit a lot... Enjoy!

Created by: Mikaela
Personality Test
  1. Is blue cheese really blue?
  2. Is it really true that llamas spit when they're mad????
  3. What mountain range do Llamas live in??
  4. Is it true that Skylight Place cuts glass, but never corners??
  5. Is it true that Skylight Place cuts glass, but never corners??
  7. What is a llamas primary food source?
  8. What colors do pumpkins come in?
  9. What are llamas hooves made of?
  10. How did you like this quiz

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