Little Space Age Quiz

Hi! Are you a little but you don't know your age? Or maybe you're a newcomer and just want a suggestion? Either way, you've come to the right place! Note that this isn't a 100% accurate reading

Take this quiz to find an approximation of what your little age should be. Please be aware that this is merely a suggestion and in no way a solid answer for you

Created by: Baby
  1. Which of these do you (or would you) wear?
  2. If you chose diapers or pull ups, do you (or would you) use them?
  3. Which of these do you (or would you) drink from?
  4. Who do you (or would you) live with?
  5. Can you talk?
  6. Can you walk?
  7. Where do you sleep?
  8. What channel do you put the TV on?
  9. Gender
  10. Actual Age

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