Little house on the praire quiz

This is a quiz for the true praire fans. I could not live without this show and i watch it everyday. Are you addicted to the show as i am? I love it and im a hudge fan.

Are YOU a hudge praire fan? Time find out so get you hourses and your wagons and your eighteen children and you might want to bring doctor baker along on this trip.

Created by: Reagan 🐰
  1. What episode and what season does charles fredrick ingalls die?
  2. What season do the ingalls adopt albert?
  3. What episode does almanzo wilder fall in love with laura?
  4. What season does charles and albert and family met james and casandra?
  5. How many season of little house is there?
  6. What episode is laura and almanzo wilder married?
  7. What is the first season and episode does albert apear in?
  8. What episode is rose wilder born in?
  9. Does mary have a misscarrige?
  10. If mary had a miscarrige was it a boy or a girl?
  11. How does alive garvey and adam kendell jr die?
  12. What episode is grace ingalls born in?
  13. What episode does laura find shes having a baby?
  14. What episode does mary go blind?
  15. Does laura wilder have a second child? If so in what episode?
  16. Does mary have another baby after adam kendell jr dies?
  17. Does mary ever regain her sight?
  18. Does adam ever regain his sight?
  19. What is the last known location for mary and adam kendell
  20. What drug does albert take?
  21. What is the first health sign of albert's tragic death?
  22. How does the town of walnut grove end?
  23. Does one of the ingalls children die due to a racoon bite
  24. How many ingalls children die in the show?
  25. Do only boys or only girls or one of each of the ingalls children die?
  26. What ingalls child gets bitten by a raccon
  27. How many children did the ingalls have including adoption?
  28. What season is grace born in?
  29. How many blind schools does mary attend and teach in the show?
  30. Is a phone ever in the show?
  31. If there is a phone in the show does laura and almanzo have one?
  32. By the end of the series, how many children did laura and almanzo have in the house not including dead ones
  33. Is there ever a snowglobe in the show?
  34. What ingalls children die?
  35. Who are the ingalls adopted children
  36. What are the only two known building to still be standing in the town by the last episode?
  37. What season does albert die in?
  38. Does rose wilder ever get kidnapped?
  39. FINAL QUESTION!!! Is little house on the praire the best show ever?!?!

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