LIly heart's love{!} Part one!

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You start out as a kit, Lily kit , you have two siblings , little kit ( A tom ) and Plum kit ( A she- kit ) your mother's name is Ripple pond and your father's is Strong star. you have two denmates , Leaf kit ( Tom ) and Blizzard kit ( Tom )

AS the story progresses you becomre a warrior , but you have to leave your home! badgers have taken over! in the end of part one you'll have choose between love... or loniness.....

Created by: Warriors__Within
  1. " Lily kit! Lily kit! " Your sister plum kit calls your name. " Wanna play out side? " You blink slowly. " Let's ask the others " She agrees. " leaf kit! Little kit! Blizzard kit! " You call. All three kits trample toward you. " What NOW sis" Teases Little kit. " WAnna come outside to play with me and plum kit?" " Sure! " Mews Leaf kit. " Ok " shrugs Blizzard kit. " OF COURSE!!! " yowls Little kit . you think.....
  2. Whatever you picked you feel Little kit's acting weird. " What is it?" You ask him. " N-nothing! " Your brother meows. jUst than the leader calls a meeting. strong star ( your father ) gazes down on you. " WE have four kits ready to train! " He yowls from mossrock. " swift clan , shade clan, storm clan , and leaf clan think we're! They call fish face , water cats , and weak! " He hisses. " nOw with four new apprentices we'll be stronger! " He paused his gaze fell on the. " Lily kit , Plum kit , leaf kit , Little kit , and Blizzard kit " He began but blizzard kit interuts him. " I would like to be a med cat " Your nods.* He finshes the cermon * " Lily paw! PLum paw! Little paw! Leaf paw! Blizzard paw! " The clan cheers . You think.....
  3. {!} four moons later {!} " Hey LIly paw! " A voice calls . You whip around... facing a lonner who looks your age. you were suppose to be hunting but you couldn't help but talking. " What's your name?" You ask . The tom shrugged. " I'm Toad " He purred. You tilted your head. " Just Toad?" You ask. The tom's pelt brisled. " Yes just toad anything wrong with that! " " No o not at all! " The tom's pelt lay flat. " Will you meet tonight near the broken tree?" " Sure " You think.....
  4. You try to sneak off but PLum paw stops you. " Where are you off " Her eyes were accusing. " N-nothing " You stamper. You sister side eyes you. You think....
  5. When you meet Toad he's with Leaf paw and Blizzardpaw ... They're fight! You break it up. " What was that about! " You spat at them. " Toad said you told him you would meet him here! " Leaf paw hissed .Your pelt rickled. " I did say that! " you protest. " B-but that's against the warrior code! " says Blizzard paw. " I know, but so is attacking a cat for such a dumb reason! " You storm off. You hear Toad and blizzard paw hiss at Leaf paw the same time, " Liar " You.....
  6. " Blizzard face! Leaf claw! Plum fur! little leap! Lily heart! " The clans cheer the names of you and your siblings and your friends! " We're warriors! " Plum fur squealed like a kit " But Strong star lifted his tail for silence. " AS tradication these warriors will guard our camp! " You think.... ( No effect BTW )
  7. As you guys guard the camp you hear loud thuding noise, the others heard it! After a moment smelled the reaking scent of badger.. you know your not suppose to talk but you have to! " BADGER!!! BADGER! " YOu yowl to the camp.. everybody leaps out of their dens. The badger appears then another then another then another. Soon the camp is full of badgers , too many to fight. " LEAVE THE CAMP EVERY CAT OUT! yowled Strong star. the clan thundered out of the forest into shade clan territory. " Should i go find rock star?" Asks A pale tan tom . you whipp around. A shade clan warrior! You..
  8. Your father steps up. " Yes , w-we must talk to him." He stampered. You saw how akward it is. " Rock star is his father " P,um fur whispers. You nod. " Wow.." Little leap fluffs out his pelt. " We have more kin who's leader." You nod in agreement. " By the way , I'm Birchheart" You feel your pelt turn hot with embassment. You....
  9. " So badgers , attack your camp... so you came here? Why! " You jump at Rock stars anger. " If we didn't have too come we wouldn't! " You jump to your fathers defense." There was more badgers than clan cats! ' PLum fur adds. " Yes , we mUST stay here or we'll surly die! " Little leap spat the words out. " Very well , but.... we've been having truble with bas]dgers to!" Birchheart hisses. " Your badger problem WILL become ours if you stay. " He fluffs out his fur. " Your scent will bring them here! All of you must go! " He turned to you , his blue gaze met your purple eyes. " No offense " He purrs. You think..
  10. THe badgers were in the territory before moon high, in every territory . " We have to leave! " The leaders had announced..... You.... decinded to say good before you went away. You came across a twoleg place and went inside. A dark gray tom lept out , his blazing , but not anger or fear but with teasing . you...
  11. The tom luaghs no matter what you do. " Look i'm no harm to your territory " He joked. " I know about the clans.... I'll travel with you guys if you'd like." You narrow your eyes . " Why could a kittypet want to travel with ' A wild Cat '" You ask. Tom's fur stuck out in all angles . " N-no reason! " He hisses. " Look let me tag along! were ever your clans goes I'll be able to find new twolegs " He added. " Let . Me . Tag. Along! " He hissed. You say ....
  12. After you set off and after you meet another tom , willow breeze. The cats set off. You fall in beside blizzard face who purrs. feeling uncomfortable you walk away , crashing right into will breeze! You feel....
  13. However you feel he helps you up. you think he's just being but than he says... " Hey look at the sunset! " " Whoa... I have you ever seen somthing so pretty?" You ask. " Yes I have " He turns to you licking your cheek then trots off. You see Blizzard face and Leaf claw glare at him. Toad and Tom were fighting . And Birch heart is just staring at you. Did these toms LIKE you!? somone is purring. who do you think it is?
  14. Turns out it was Little leap and Plum fur your siblings! " Looks like you have your paws tied." Plum fur purred pointing at the toms. " Yep! you'll have to choose one you know." meowed Little leap sternly. " Or they'll just keep fight! " he hissed. " she COULD reject all of them " PLum fur pointed out. " WELL I DON'T HAVE TO PICK NOW! " you hiss. " Lily heart ?" You turn to the toms staring at you, you run to be alone with your thoughts. Pick a face ( Each face stands for a tom. I wont tell you who though... )
  15. *** Five weeks later *** You've finally reached your new home and the clans have settled in their territory. You feel weird so you go talk with Blizzard face and Sweet paw ( his apprentice ) " OK sweet paw what's wrong with her?" Blizzard face asks after they did test on her. " Nothing , she's expecting kits! " kIts...... ( last quastion ) who's the father?

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