Life Science: CH 14 Mrs. Greer

Reading the long textbook, dreading the upcoming test on Chapter Fourteen of the Life Science! You really need a better way to study, anything would work...

Try GOTOQUIZ LIFE SCIENCE CH14 QUIZ!!! I made this quiz just for you so go ahead and learn, study, and don't forget to enjoy! Thanks in advance for taking the quiz!!!

Created by: AlexanduhHi
  1. What is homeostasis?
  2. Which is an example of a HINGE JOINT?
  3. Which is an example of a BALL-AND-SOCKET JOINT?
  4. Which is an example of a PIVOT JOINT?
  5. Which is an example of a GLIDING JOINT?
  6. Which best describes skeletal muscle?
  7. Which best describes smooth muscle?
  8. Which best describes cardiac muscle?
  9. Which best describes skeletal muscle?
  10. Which best describes smooth muscle?
  11. Which best describes cardiac muscle?
  12. Which best describes skeletal muscle?
  13. Which best describes smooth muscle?
  14. Which best describes cardiac muscle?
  15. Which is an attribute of the EPIDERMIS?
  16. Which is an attribute of the DERMIS?
  17. Which is an attribute of the EPIDERMIS?
  18. Which is an attribute of the DERMIS?
  19. Which is not a role of the skeletal system?
  20. What is the job of red bone marrow?
  21. What is the job of yellow bone marrow?
  22. What do tendons connect to?
  23. What do ligaments connect to?
  24. Why do muscles work together?
  25. How do muscles work together?
  26. Why does exercise help muscles?
  27. How does the skin help with homeostasis?
  28. How does the skin protect you?
  29. Where in the skin are the cells alive?
  30. What does melanin do in our skin?
  31. What is skin cancer?
  32. What is the main way that acne can be prevented?
  33. BONUS!!!: Was this quiz helpful? Go to [no urls] to take my little poll! (Don't worry it isn't required! Just click answer #2 to continue! It is required that I have two possible answers, so...)

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