Life and Love at Hogwarts (LISTEN)

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This is an announcement for all lovers.............and haters of my old series Life and Love at Hogwarts. Please comment and take my polls. Also, with a possibility of three series I WILL need Co-writers! Thanks

This is an announcement for all lovers.............and haters of my old series Life and Love at Hogwarts. Please comment and take my polls. Also, with a possibility of three series I WILL need Co-writers! Thanks.

Created by: Pyra Potter

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. This is an announcement for anyone who has read my series: Life and Love at Hogwarts.
  2. First of all: I stopped writing that series because I got majorly confused, correct?
  3. I am CONSIDERING bringing the series back. BUT I will start over, you will still slip into French occasionally, be half Veela, metamorphmagus, and animagus. Your character will remain the same. I will just be starting over so I can correct the mistakes I have made during the series. Thanks!
  4. Be sure to read the results carefully if you are concerned about my ability to juggle three different series.
  5. That is pretty much it! Also, please read my Harry potter fantasy. It is about my fantasy wedding I've been bugging you about!
  6. Oh, comment on whether I should do first or second person and HOW MUCH DRAMA you would like in the series IF I DO continue it. Thanks! Accio results!

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