Liberal or Conservative (simplified)

A lot of people want to know where they stand on political issues. I designed this test to be a very simple way of determining which direction (if any) you lean.

Some questions will be hard to answer and you may have a mix of ideologies. Also, remember this is just an online quiz. If you feel differently, vote that way. Vote for who you think is right.

Created by: Julian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you believe in gun control (controlling who can purchase and carry what type of firearms)
  2. Are we doing enough to protect the enviroment
  3. Do you think we do enough to help minority Americans?
  4. Should we help Syrians?
  5. Foreign policy (in general)
  6. How should we spark economic growth?
  7. Should we allow gay couples to marry?
  8. Should religion be involved in government?
  9. Should we lower taxes?
  10. Should we deport illegals
  11. Should the federal government control education

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