Level up quiz [pls take this]

This is a level up quiz. Please add some comments and do this quiz for my level up status to rise. Make sure to rate this quiz. Random = A bunch of people A bunch of

people sat in a lonely white car, looking out like hawks with their thin necks shooting out like a giraffe. The lone grave they went to was super noice Haha haha lol

Created by: Cathy12a of More About Me
(your link here more info)
  1. Will you leave a comment?
  2. Will you rate this?
  3. Will you take this quiz no matter how boring it is?
  4. Will you randomly dance?
  5. Random = A bunch of people A bunch of people sat in a lonely white car, looking out like hawks with their thin necks shooting out like a giraffe. The lone grave they went to was super noice Haha haha lol
  6. Pls don't go!
  7. spam alert= ijergijh,ergjbiehitlejgwenbfiwugbp130igj9erigtt
  8. Favourite emoticon from the below?
  9. hehehehehehehehe #voldemortlaugh
  10. I'm blue abadeeabady [not sure that's how it goes]
  11. Tysm for taking

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