Lets see if you reach the finish line?

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Let’s see if you can beat miss fritter to the finish line before she crosses the finish line before you and you will die with the other demolition derby cars.

Let’s see if you can chase Miss fritter and prevent her from going to the finish line before you. Only you can do it! Save the day and do it for yourself young fellow!!!!!! =D

Created by: Ben10andMixelsJeremy
  1. What to do?
  2. Second turn! What to do?
  3. Next stop. What to do?
  4. What to do again? Second try!
  5. You made it to the half way pit stop! What to do?
  6. The pit stop break is over, what to do next?
  7. What to do?
  8. Last stop. Two chances left. What to do?
  9. What to do? (Last Chance).
  10. Did Miss fritter cross the finish line? (Won’t change your answer).

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