Lets see if you can pass this human test

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This’ll sound weird, but robots always pretend to be people. You might be one of those robots! To see, please take this quiz. Learn more about who you are!

Side note: Unpredictable things are about to happen. Maybe your parent is a robot? Grandparent? Learn your fate as well! Now, good luck with passing as a human!

Created by: Lucy Rascal
  1. Hello!
  2. See the front picture? Scroll up to see it!
  3. Count the fairies
  4. The one in the middle is wearing….
  5. The one in the top left corner is wearing….
  6. Bottom right?
  7. How many are blondes?
  8. Who has blue hair?
  9. Who is raising their arm and wand?
  10. And finally, are they slim?

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