Lets see how much you know about me :)

Hey your about to take the quiz on this here great guy ;) lol have fun and i hope you enjoy and ill give every1 a hint about it "its easy" lol :) i gota put all these things in this box so ima keep writing stuff lol but yea enjoy my quiz oh yea and there is only 11 questions so its not that long

Hey so sit back and relax and enjoy the questions of my life :) same goes with this one i have to fll in this box with stuff about how your going to like my quiz well if your taking it obviously you gonna like me a little lol :) have fun

Created by: Nic

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is my favorite super hero?
  2. What is my favorite type of car?
  3. What is my favorite color?
  4. How many brothers do i have?
  5. At PPI which dept. do i work for?
  6. What color is my natural hair color?
  7. Who is my favorite band?
  8. What is my favorite funny movie?
  9. What am i going to be after i graduate college?
  10. Do i Drink?
  11. what religion am I?

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