How Well Do You Know Sailor Moon?

There are those who claim to be hardcore Sailor Moon fans and truly know nothing but the basics. If you know someone like that you know how irritating it can be. Lets put their knowledge to the test shall we? Lets see who the true fans are!

If you think you know all there is to know, lets put it to the test! Show your friends that you are truly a fan. Those who take this test are admiting that they know their Sailor Moon...I want to see how many are right.

Created by: Elizabeth M Moody of LunaBell's SM Homepage
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which person did the voice for Sailor Moon?
  2. In what episode did the 'Moon Sceptre Elimination' attack first appear?
  3. Who was Luna's original Japanese voice actress?
  4. In what year did Bishojo Senshi Sailormoon begin?
  5. When is Mina's birthday?
  6. What Japanese actor played the part of Chiba Mamoru in 'Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon'?
  7. In which episode does Rini first attempt to use the Moon Crystal Key?
  8. What is Trista/Setsuna's last name?
  9. In Japanese, when Usagi refers to Mamoru as 'Mamoru-baka', what is she actually calling him?
  10. Who did Eternal Sailor Moon fight in the final battle of Sailor Stars?
  11. Who was the first scout taken down by the Doon & Gloom Girls?
  12. What is Takeuchi Naoko's birthday?
  13. In which episode does Princess Kakyuu appear?
  14. How many of the original 200 Sailor Moon episodes were shown in America?
  15. Which of the following characters die before the final battle in the live action 'Pretty Guardian Sailormoon'?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Sailor Moon?