Lets kidnap jade :D

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Created by: My_Wolves
  1. Yay we need Jade she is the alpha's pup if we steal her she will never be da alpha again cuz that pup is the alpha's test to see if they are good enough to be the alpha forever
  2. So put dis robber outfit on
  3. *turns on spy music* Dinna dunnana dunnnnaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4. f--- *STARING AT DAWN*
  5. *gets figures of us* ok you go here *gets out map and puts you behind tent* I will distract them when they walk away with me you *moves figure of you* get jade put the mask on her and bam!
  6. *i go to distract dem*
  7. f---! *3 hours later* comes back behind tent with scratch* they dont wanna see me..
  8. MAYBE IF WE DYE OUR SELF WE WONT GET HURT! Oh and- *turns you into wolf* there now you will fit in-
  9. Maybe we can do this tomorrow.....you can try if you want I'll be *yawn* sleeping at the den
  10. *yawn* bye *yawn* guys....*falls asleep*

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