Let's know each other

Hi! This is my first stupid quiz and plz take it. I'm the author of the animal jam love story series. I hope you take this and enjoy it! Plz don't be mean.

Welcome! Are you ready to begin? Warning: this is just for fun so if you don't pass its alright, I doubt anyone will pass the first time anyway, so don't be sad.

Created by: Jeanie Jean
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi! Are you ready?
  2. I know you hate this but, whats your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite actor or actress out of these two?
  4. Pick a number!
  5. Guess how many are left
  6. do you think I like you so far?
  7. what is your favorite book out of these?
  8. We are nearly done, is that okay?
  9. Do you know who I am?
  10. Now that you can see that there are only 12 questions go back to question 7 and say 12. Did you do that?

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