LEO Complete Solutions' Fun Trivia Quiz #2

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A fun quiz to exercise your memory and everyday trivia knowledge ... and also learn something new! As a complete, one stop solutions enterprise, LEO Complete Solutions believes in constant mind exercise and teaching our minds something new every day.

Have a look at our website leocompletesolutions.com and Facebook page[no urls]?modal=admin_todo_tour.We could be of valuable assistance to your business, whether it's a start up, scale up or a long established enterprise. We have the leading approach, team and solutions.

Created by: Casper of LCS
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  1. Which South American country's capital city name translates from Spanish to "beautiful air"?
  2. Name the missing James Bond film actor in the list below: Sean Connery - George Lazenby - Roger Moore - ?? - Pierce Brosnan - Daniel Craig
  3. Name the US president who declared this in his 1962 speech about America's space race to the Moon: “I believe that this Nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.”
  4. In which scientific unit is the frequency of electromagnetic radio waves measured?
  5. How many members of musicians are there in a quintet?
  6. What is a klaxon used for?
  7. Which is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?
  8. Name the cyclist who won four Tour de France races, in 2013; 2015; 2016 & 2017
  9. From which alphabet are the letters eta (η), iota (ι)and epsilon (ε)?
  10. Which actress has to date been awarded the most Academy Awards for Best Actress in a Leading Role?

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