Leader Of The World......

....This quiz is about if u got what it takes to be the LEADER OF THE WORLD! well i was bored tho and its my 1st quiz so plz take it and hope you enjoy it too........

Hmm..Leader of the world...A great power yea??? This quiz will show you if you have the Guts to be leader of the world....well take this quiz and find out...

Created by: Ryuuga Hidiki
  2. So what your first order?
  3. So you see a guy hold a file saying "classified Infomation" what would you do?
  4. You see your friend walking by and he accidently drop a important piece of info! you?
  5. Apples AND BANANAS!!!
  6. If someone asked you " where do you live?" with a evil grin you?
  7. O! the teacher say you have a project due later but you have to tell her what your posititons are..and you choose first....
  8. You see a strange Mysterious Object What do u do??? *stare*
  9. you see a someone that wants to look for a fight then the person sees you and comes charging at you...what do u do?
  10. K Cya Laters!

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