Land Of Stories Hard Test

There are many smart people in the world. Actually both the fairy tale world and this world. What is a smart person though. A smart person is a good minded person who is able to solve problems and sees the world through an entirely novel point of view.

Are YOU A smart person. Do you have the brainpower to qualify to beat this quiz. I know that this quiz will determine if you think your right and if you really are right.

Created by: Abby

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In the third book when Conner and Bree bet a color on the far end of the table what color did they bet?
  2. In which book did Alex discover she was a fairy.
  3. What armies did the Masked Man take in the fourth book?
  4. In the second book what does Mother Goose drink to make herself tired for Alex?
  5. What is Alex's unicorns name?
  6. What was the Snow Queens Prophecy?
  7. In the second book what was their plan to get the jewels from the sea witch?
  8. When Alex and Conner got back to the Fairy Kingdom, whom was the fairy that was still there?
  9. Who was Alex's first boyfriend?
  10. What did Conner and Bree name their fake grandmother in the 3rd book?

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