L'Oreal Halloween Quiz

There are many smart people, but few true scary Halloween experts. Halloween experts are after all, quite exceptionally scary. What makes you scary? What should you be wearing on the night of the 31st?

At L'Oreal we want to find out who is the scariest and who has the most frightful knowledge in the company...in just a few minutes you will find out if you are the one that everyone should fear!

Created by: Tom Malcolm
  1. Who directed the 1968 Night of the Living Dead?
  2. What is Michael's full name in the movie?
  3. What is the name given to a group of witches?
  4. The mask in the film "Scream", which became a popular costume for dressing up in at Halloween, was based on a painting by which artist?
  5. With which horror film would you associate the character of Leatherface?
  6. In the film "Halloween", for how many years was the killer locked up in an asylum before he escaped?
  7. How much does the world's largest recorded pumpkin weigh?
  8. Halloween originated from which Pagan festival?
  9. Which country celebrates "the day of the dead" instead of Halloween, which includes the tradition of passing a live person in a coffin through streets?
  10. What would you bob for at a Halloween party?
  11. The tradition of dressing up started because...
  12. A male witch is known as a?
  13. In what year can we expect a full moon on Halloween night?
  14. Pumpkins grow on?
  15. The Celts celebrated their New Year on?
  16. A popular Halloween drink in the 18th century Ireland was called "Lamb's Wool". It was made with roasted, crushed ___ and milk?
  17. What does the old English word "Hallow" mean?

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