KSM quiz about me

Soooo you think you know me ? (: Im Kiana, thats all im telling you. Seriously, if you took this tell me, & tell me what you scored. Honestly becauuuuse im just curious. not really, im just extremely bored:/ so jusuuuustust take iit. please. (:

If you get 100% on this, you know me preeeeetty well. or your just a stalker. (: If you didnt do so well, talk to me (: Im really nice & yeuahahah. So take this, tell me if you took it & what your score was & ill be happpyyyyy

Created by: Kiana

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do my initials KSM stand for ?
  2. When is my birthday ?
  3. Whats covering my key ?
  4. What is my favorite letter ?
  5. Do I have braces ?
  6. Do I keep my promises ?
  7. Can I cook ?
  8. What do I say most on aim ?
  9. What happenes when I have a microphone & loud music ?
  10. How fast can I dont the Fergalicious rap ? (:
  11. Whats my favorite tv show ?
  12. When do I sing at school ?
  13. Whats my schedule ?
  14. How tall am I ?
  15. Am I conceited or confident ?
  16. Whats the dumbest thing I ever did ?
  17. My favorite color skittle ?
  18. Whats my screename on aim ?
  19. Whats my favorite tea ?
  20. LAST QUESTION(: What does "je toujours serai le vôtre" mean ? dont look it up. >:l

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