KOTLC 7 minutes in heaven

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Hey! This is the KOTLC 7 minutes in heaven, GIRLS ONLY. I looked to see if there were any like this and there weren’t any 7 minutes in heaven kotlc addition. So I hope you enjoy!

I thank my friend, my BFFAE, for giving me the idea. She also is trying to make her own quiz’s and stories. I will make more like this, and will tell you when her’s are ready too. Again, please enjoy! (Girls only)

Created by: Novia Petrox
  1. How old are you?
  2. Only girls are aloud here. Are you a girl?
  3. Your best friend, Biana, tells you she’s having a party at her house. She asks you (more like begs you) if you can come. Will you?
  4. Well, you don’t have a choice. She makes you come anyways, but at least she let you choose the outfit! What kind of outfit do you wear?
  5. When you get there, the whole group is there. And for some reason, it seems three are checking you out. Fitz, Tam, Dex, and Keefe. Who is your crush?
  6. Now, it’s time for 7 minutes in heaven! You are the last person to go, and you see many others. Some were fighting the whole time, and others were getting at it. What do you think about this?
  7. Now it’s your turn. Biana hands you the hat. You close your eyes and put your hand in. You pull a piece of paper out and open it. What did you get?
  8. Wait, your parents called! They said they might be here soon! What do you do?
  9. Before you go in the closet, Biana winks at you mischievously. What do you think of that?
  10. Bye! Please rate, but don’t comment for questions. I can’t figure out how to respond to them… (embarrassed)

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