Know Your Religion (Mormon)

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There is an effort by some church leaders to try to obscure church history and past doctrines. This quiz is designed to see if you have been drinking too much kool aid.. but I dont want to offend anyone. Hopefully the truth will set us free

Maybe you could suggest some changes so it will not be perceived as an anti-mormon rag. I do think truth and honesty and facing our past is important.. so....

Created by: Karyn
  1. Nephi felt that obtaining the brass plates containing the Law of Moses was so essential that he kills Laban to obtain them. How important was the law to Nephi's descendants?
  2. The LDS hospital system segregated blood obtained from Negro donors until the 1960's. What were the reasons for this policy?
  3. Pres. George Q Cannon said it was essential for general authorities to not prepare their talks in advance because...
  4. Brigham Young ordained 3 of his sons to be apostles: Brigham Jr, John W and Heber Young. At what age did the ordinations take place?
  5. J. Reuben Clark explained: 'Since they are not entitled to the Priesthood, the Church discourages interaction with the negro race... ." Therefore, Negroes were denied equal access to the LDS owned Hotel Utah in order
  6. What parts of the endowment ceremony have changed over the years??
  7. What influenced Pres Kimball to seek to revoke the ban on ordaining black members to the priesthood?
  8. Mountain Meadows is the site where 120 men, women and children were murdered on Sept 11, 1857 by local Mormons in southern Utah. Has the church ever acknowledged church leaders were involved in this event?
  9. The Book of Mormon, that Joseph called the most correct on earth has had how many changes??
  10. When a general conference talk in 1984 got the attention of an apostle as having some potential problems regarding the difference between the gospel and the church, the result was:

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Quiz topic: Know my Religion (Mormon)