know your daleks

daleks ummm yes over 5000 daleks have existed. in the time war they either fought and died or lived. we didnt see that didnt have a winner but it did have a strange part. davros didnt die but he some how dissapeared

how did he dissapear? i cannot tell you but if think you have what it takes to enter the quiz well then try it . and never ever ever ever forget that when you do this you will see part of your brain you've seen before

Created by: MAISY VLK
  1. who became a human dalek
  2. who saved davros from the time war
  3. in the cult of skaro there were four daleks three of them died. which one survived??????
  4. what species is davros
  5. who saved davros from the time war
  6. there were four daleks in the cult of skaro.three died .who lived
  7. what war didnt damage skaro
  8. where did daleks originate
  9. how many are in the new dalek paradigm
  10. what animal do they most resemble
  11. who created all daleks
  12. what did davros and the daleks create that needed a lot of planets to create the medusa cascade
  13. who wasnt in the new dalek paradigm
  14. hi lala surprize!!!!!!!!
  15. who [is] (one of) the daleks worst enemys
  16. in 'doomsday' and 'army of ghosts' who were they(meaning daleks) fighting?

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Quiz topic: Know my daleks