know your bizz quiz 2

The hidden ball trick? The double curve? three fingers and still a success career? all these things can be on this quiz. please once again try Know your bizz quiz 2

If your a genius please take this difficult yet fun quiz. It is one of the best quizzes that ive ever done.If you hate baseball ,after you take it you will love it

Created by: Jonathan Armstrong
  1. How many Home Runs did Babe Ruth hit
  2. how many home runs did Hank Aaron hit
  3. How many total curveballs has Al Orth thrown in his career
  4. who was the last person to hit .400 in a single season
  5. Estimated,about how many hidden ball tricks have been recorded by since 1875
  6. who is the all-time leader for hit by pitches (as of 2005)
  7. what is the name of the left field wall at Fenway Park
  8. what year did the spitball become illegal
  9. who beamed Ray Chapman in 1920 and became the most hated man in baseball
  10. How many hits did Pete Rose have in his career
  11. who did Ricky Henderson pass by to claim the most stolen bases in a career
  12. which player had 239 wins in his career while pitching with only 3 fingers

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Quiz topic: Know my bizz quiz 2