Know Video Games?

This was a very hard quiz. Especially if you don't know anything about a certain game or certain person. It requires good memory, loss of focus, and plenty of skills.

Think you got this? I don't think so scooter...This could be the first test you fail or the first test you will pass. It requires great memory and concentration. Good luck!

Created by: Dylan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the Assassins Creed that came out I 2015?
  2. Which rapper was the producer of NBA 2K 13?
  3. What is your player's name in Call of Duty Ghosts?
  4. In Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, who was the force that gave you a ''second chance.''
  5. Who was the enemy leader that gave you a ''second chance'' in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare?
  6. In Halo 4, how many points do you get for a headshot?
  7. Who did Rorke kill in Call of Duty Ghosts?
  8. In this game mode, if you get killed, then you are...
  9. In Grand Theft Auto 5, do you lose money if you get killed?
  10. In Shadow of Mordor, do you lose money if killed by the Uruks?

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