Kit, Warrior, Elder, Queen, or Leader

This quiz is going to see if your a playful Kit, a loyal Warrior, a thoughtful Elder, a strong Queen, or a selfless Leader. Good luck and may Starclan light your path!

Kits:playful and happy(most of the time)Warrior: Loyal and honest(also most of the time[Tigerstar])Elder: Kind and thoughtful(though with ticks)Qeens: Bold and strong. Leader: Selfless and caring. Which one are you?

Created by: MoonDancer3120
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Fresh snow has fallen...
  2. A hunting patrol has smelled fox near the camp...
  3. Wind clan is coming to talk with Mistystar...
  4. It's the gathering...
  5. You catch a squirrel...
  7. Your dreaming. What are you dreaming of?
  8. Starclan told you a prophecy...
  9. What would you rather be?(This will not affect total score)
  10. did you like this quiz?(i hope you did this is my first one)

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