Kirbster RPG: The Test

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This is THE TEST of my latest game, Kirbster RPG! Be prepared for hardcore fun and.. uh stuff! Yep! Kirbster RPG is the game for you if you like adventure and teamwork with your friends.

Do YOU have what it takes to stop the world from being distorted and crushed? Start your epic journey to do just that with this quick test for Kirbster RPG!

Created by: Kirbydavy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. If you were a superhero, which out of these options, superpower would you have?
  4. Wait.. are you sure about your last answer?
  5. Well uh.. what if the enemy had a resistance of what you chose? What would ya do then?! HUH?
  6. So.. you're positive about that answer too?
  7. WHAT?! Did you just press NO?!
  8. Moving on to the next question.. woah.. what's that behind you?
  9. Are you tired of endless questions?
  10. One last question. Are you the slightest bit curious what is the point of all these questions?

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