Kidnapped-Part One

This is going to be a seiries. When i make the second one! lolzzzzz! This is my fourth quiz and is going to be my first series so plzzzzzz plzzzzz plzzz comment! k thx. kdjbfvg,kxhjdgfkhbv lolz!

Okay, this is sortof like rolplaying. You are alone at home and are being harrased online. You get kidnapped and taken to downtown New York. You will be taken through a series of situations with choices in each one. Will you die? Will you live? Will you escpae? Find out!

Created by: Tarri
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your parents leave you home alone to go out dancing, a man has been harrasing you online and says he knows where you live. He said hes coming after you tonight. What do you do?
  2. All of the sudden, you here a knocking on the door. What do you do?
  3. Lets say you open the door he says hes lost and wants to use your phone. What do you do?
  4. All of the sudden the ma yells 'enough of this and either kicks down the door or whips out a gun and a knife with the gun at your head and the knife at your throat. He says 'told ya!'
  5. The man forces you into a car and shoves you in the back seat. He starts driving. You notice that the window is rolled down and there is a piece of paper and a pencil right next to you. There is also a police car right behind you and you have your cell phone.
  6. The guy yells out 'Hey! Almost forgot. Gimme the cell phone!'
  7. The man drives for a long time and finally stops in front of an airport. He pulls you out of the car, you?
  8. You are about to board a plane to New York. The usher asks you if you need any thing. Oh, almost forgot, you are on the side next to the aisle.
  9. Unfortunately, the plane lands without anything happening. The guy rushes you into a cab and tells the cab driver 'go to 274 Made Lane.' The car silently pulls out and drives away.
  10. The cab pulls out in front of a creepy looking apartment building. h man shoves you out and walks you into the building. He takes you up four flights of stairs and takes you into a lavish looking apartment.He says 'i'm locking you in here while i go get something for dinner. Don't try anything!' He slams the door and locks it.
  11. Lets just say, that you tried to pry the window. All of the sudden the man bursts back in the room and yells 'Hey! What do you think you are doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' and pulls out a gun.
  12. Uh oh, cliff hanger! Come back for part two? (if you don't get killed in the results!lolz!) (will not affect results.)
  13. will you comment? (will no affect answer)
  14. did you like this quiz? (will not affect answer)

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