Keeper of the Lost Cities Trivia: LEGACY

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Hey! Have you read Keeper of the Lost Cities? Have you read Legacy, the eighth book in that very same series? HAVE YOU THE DESIRE FOR AN UTTERLY AMAZING--

Okay, okay, sorry. I get carried away sometimes. But HAVE YOU the desire to quiz on the eighth book, Legacy, by any chance? If you have, then come on and QUIZ!

Created by: TheDorkWhoWrites
  1. Which is one of Sophie's biological parents?
  2. What phrase triggers three memories from Lord Cassius?
  3. What is the cause for Sophie and Fitz's breakup?
  4. Where do Lady Gisela and Sophie meet in Loamnore?
  5. Why do Sophie's friends think all the alarms were set off at Loamnore?
  6. Who put the bindings on Tam's wrists?
  7. Who betrayed the elves at the climax of this book?
  8. Why did Glimmer join the Neverseen?
  9. What ability did Sophie need to be reset?
  10. Who are the members of Team Valiant?
  11. What was Team Valiant originally going to be called?
  12. Why does Sophie go to London with Keefe and Fitz?
  13. Why is Keefe going in and out of guilt throughout the story?
  14. Why is Sophie mad at Mr. Forkle during Legacy?
  15. Who is Sophie’s biological father?

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