Justin Bieber the Cutiest Guy Around

There are very few people who make me happy, and Justin Bieber is one of those good people who do make me happy, only because he follows his dreams everyday. That is why I made this quiz all for him. I wish him a lot of luck :) I love you Justin Bieber and thank you all for taking my quiz today thanks again.

Are you in love with Justin Bieber because I think you are and I don't think you qualify to be taking this quiz. But thanks for taking my quiz and I hope you liked this quiz and I hope you follow your dreams just like Justin Bieber?

Created by: ashley

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who does Justin Bieber have a crush on?
  2. What is Justin Bieber fav color?
  3. Does Justin Bieber have any siblings?
  4. What size shoe does he wear?
  5. Do you think Justin Bieber is hot?
  6. Wat age is Justin Bieber?
  7. Do you have pics of Justin Bieber on your wall?
  8. Wat is Justin Bieber fav song or viedo?
  9. Wat did yu fist see when yu saw Justin Bieber?
  10. How do you think of Justin Bieber songs?

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