Justin Bieber-Do you love him or hate him?

Are you in love, just a normal fan, or do you hate him? Find out!

Do you even know who he is...

Created by: Rhi

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Bieber or Beaver?
  2. Gay or normal?
  3. His eyes?
  4. How old is he?
  5. Do you have a crush on him?
  6. Does he dress like a girl?
  7. Ever had a dream about him?
  8. Does he have any siblings?
  9. Is he cute?
  10. And finally, for the last question, are you going to try to kiss him the first time you see him?

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Quiz topic: Justin Bieber-do I love him or hate him?