Just another very bad Hogwarts house quiz.

Just another stereotypical, very bad, very silly, ten question, four responses, four houses you-know-this-answer-is-of-this-house Hogwarts house quiz.

We all know the Hogwarts stereotypes. This is a very bad quiz about stereotypes. It is stereotype of stereotypes. Please, enjoy this stereotypical quiz.

Created by: mevanson
  1. First thing you do after you wake up?
  2. How do you brush your teeth?
  3. How do you pee?
  4. A troll is in the Dungeons. How do you react?
  5. Who is your favourite character?
  6. Favourite Headmaster?
  7. Favourite animal?
  8. Favourite colour?
  9. What do you value and pride most?
  10. How will you rate thiis quiz?

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