Jurassic World Dinosaurs

Welcome To Jurassic World! This quiz is all about Jurassic world and its dinosaurs. Some may contain humour, but you got to test your knowledge on JW dinosaurs.

If you're brave enough to take the quiz, you first gotta face Indominus Rex, T.Rex or Velociraptor and then you can get to the rest of the quiz. Remember that I.Rex is more dangerous, so good luck and take the intense quiz.

Created by: Waaris/Indominus
  1. Which JW dinosaur is the main antagonist?
  2. What is the name of the genetically modified hybrid from Jurassic world?
  3. Which dinosaur in Jurassic World used to be an attraction in Jurassic Park?
  4. What is the name of the T.Rex in Jurassic World?
  5. What are the names of the raptors in Jurassic World?
  6. What is the name of the raptors' trainer?
  7. Which dinosaur takes control of the raptors during the mission?
  8. Which island is Jurassic World is set on?
  9. Which dinosaur hilariously has tiny arms?
  10. How much does Vic Hoskins weigh?
  11. Which dinosaur literally pisses you off with its annoying roar?
  12. Which two dinosaurs helped to fight Indominus?
  13. How did Indominus eat her sibling?
  14. Why did Indominus Rex escape to go on a rampage?

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