Jojo Siwa quiz wiz

There are many celebrities but most of them are hated some of them are praised but the singer the young singer I would choose is JOJO SIWA she I amasing she is kind and generous enough etc.

Are YOU a Jojo fan? Well we will see about that beacuse if you are a true Jojo fan then you should see for your self that you can ACTALLY PRIVE your a Jojo fan by talking a challenge by entering this quiz bet you can do it?

Created by: Guntaas Kaur

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old is Jojo Siwa?
  2. What is Jojo's moms name?
  3. What is Jojo's dogs name? 🐢🐢🐢
  4. Was Jojo in dance moms?
  5. What is Jojo's YouTube Chanel name? U
  6. What is Jojo's first ever music vidio called
  7. What was her latest music video?
  8. Is she on musically
  9. Does Jojo have a Bf?
  10. Is Jojo Siwa a

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