Join the Guardians of the Galaxy! (Revised edition)

You are a kid on Knowhere. You're lost and alone. You've been hitchhiking and stowing away from your home planet to this giant skull, but now you're stuck. You can't find someone to give you a ride. You have no money, no food, just the clothes on your back.

You're not picky about where they take you: All you know is that you can't go back to being a Kree battle-slave. You just need to get as far away from the Kree empire as possible.

Created by: Marvel
  1. The smell of Knowhere is indescribable: somewhere between sweat, bread baking, and rotting flesh. You're hungry: it's been days since you had anything to eat. You don't have many units, but maybe one of the proprietors of the many bars would spot you some cash.
  2. You stop into a place called "Starlin's." It isn't particularly busy, only a few tables have occupants. Most are lone patrons, although one near the back has four or five people crowded around the table. The feathery owner is tending the bar. You sit down at the end of the counter. The proprietor comes up to you. "I've never seen you here before. What's your name, kid?" he asks.
  3. You tell him. He seems a little skeptical, but nods and says, "I'm J'Que. What'll you have to drink?"
  4. J'Que steps away. "Alright, I get the picture. So what are you doing in here, anyway?" "I was wondering if you had anything you could give me. It's been days since I ate last," you say. "Wish I could, kid," he says. "But you ain't the first starving orphan to come in here, and you won't be the last." "I'm not an orphan," you say. "No? Then what are you doing here all alone?"
  5. He doesn't seem to believe you, but he doesn't press the issue. A man from the large group stands up and walks over to talk to J'Que. His skin is a weird color: very pale and somewhere between pink and orange. Not like any color you've ever seen. Then again, most people you've ever seen were blue, like you. "Come on, J'Que," the man is begging. "I'll pay you back next time, I promise. Just let us go and we'll be back tomorrow." J'Que shakes his head. "That's what you said last time. Pay up, or Cosmo will deal with you." "Go ahead and call Cosmo!" a gruff voice called from their table. "He loves us! He'll let us go!" "Please, J'Que," the first man says, cutting off the other and motioning for him to be quiet. "Bounties have been few and far between recently." Bounties. These people were bounty hunters. If the Kree put a price on your head, these guys might try to turn you in. J'Que jerks his head toward you. "Just like I told the Kree over there, if I help you, I have to help everyone."
  6. The man looks at you and sizes you up. Suddenly, a woman from the group clicks her tongue and waved him over. He goes over and the group discusses something quietly. They keep looking over at you. You try to make out what they're saying. You hear something about "need the money." Now would be a good time to run.
  7. Before you know it, you're tearing through the streets of Knowhere. If those bounty hunters knew about you, others will, as well. You need to find somewhere to hide. You duck into an alley, when suddenly the woman from Starlin's appears in front of you. She lands (did she fall out of the sky?) sword drawn and pointed at you. She's green and covered in scars. You turn around and run the other way, when another man from the bar blocks your path, also green and covered in scars (although he is closer to gray, and his scars are red). These two have you trapped and are closing in.
  8. An M-Ship flies overhead and hovers not too far away. The strange-colored man from before appears above you, wearing a jet pack. Now you really have no chance for escape.The green man wraps his huge arm around you, trapping you but not hurting you. It has been days since you've eaten or slept, though, and you are not strong enough to break free of his grasp. You struggle anyway. The strange-colored man lands on the ground in front of you. "Don't worry," he says. "We're trying to help you." A speaker from the ship crackled on. "Jury's still out," the pilot said. "The Kree are paying a lot of money for you." The man holding you relaxes his grip. You:
  9. "This one has spirit!" the green man declares as he holds you tighter again. Your window to escape is gone. The woman rolls her eyes and takes a few steps forward. She peers into your face and motions for the man to do the same. "Are you ok?" he asks you. "You don't look so hot."
  10. "Ooh, fiery. I like it." he laughs. "Let's head back to the ship. Gamora?" The woman bashes you on the head with the hilt of her sword. You fall unconscious. When you wake, you are lying on an orange couch in a ship. You hear voices bickering around you and you keep your eyes closed so that you can listen in. "We need to pay of J'Que!" the green-skinned man says. "It's a child, Drax!" the woman counters. "We can't send a child back into the Kree's holy wars!" "We'd spend at least that much on fuel to bring it back to Hala," the gruff-voiced pilot argues. At the name of the Kree homeworld, your heart races. You hear a beep. "Oh look at that, it's awake," the pilot continues.You open your eyes and look around. These people have you hooked up to all sorts of wires and monitors. You sit up and try to take it off.
  11. "Don't touch that," the pilot barks. He strides over and tightens one of the tubes in your arm. "It's what's keeping you alive.""I'm fine," you say, pushing his hands away and taking it out again."You're not," the pilot counters, reattaching the tube. "You're dangerously dehydrated and you're starving to death. I don't wanna know how you found the strength to run and fight as hard as you did."
  12. "I do," the woman says. "For as bad shape as you're in, that was some serious skill you showed." "Who are you people?" you say, more of a demand than a question. "We're the Guardians of the Galaxy," the strange-skinned man says. "Maybe you've heard of us?" You shake your head. "Oh," the man says. "Well, that's Gamora." He points to the woman, who nods. He then points to the green man. "There's Drax," he says. Drax raises a hand in greeting. "That's Groot," the man says, pointing to the tree-like being. "That's Rocket," he gestures to the pilot, who is now messing with a monitor hooked up to your neck. "And I'm Peter Quill," he finishes. "You can call me Star-Lord." "Don't feel like you have to, though, no one else does." Groot says. Rocket snickers, but it was clear the other Guardians hadn't understood.
  13. Rocket gapes at you, shocked. "You understand Groot?" he asked."I was a translator for the Kree.""Why exactly are you running away?" Gamora asks. "They were hurting innocent people," you say. "They're waging a war that doesn't need to be fought. I didn't want to be a part of it." The Guardians look at each other. "If you take me back to them, they'll kill me. Slaves who fight back die." "No matter what we do, we can't do it from Knowhere," Quill says. "Let's get out of here." He starts up the stairs. Gamora quickly follows him, saying, "Absolutely not. I saw how much you drank." Groot and Drax sit down. Rocket keeps working. "Aren't you the pilot?" you ask. He shrugs. "Sometimes. And sometimes I'm the mechanic. And sometimes I'm the medic. I'm just here to fix whatever crisis these idiots are in at that exact moment."
  14. "That's what he says," Groot says, gesturing to the cockpit. Rocket finishes what he's doing and sits down next to you. He's very small: Even you're taller than he is, and he's stick-thin. Suddenly, the comm crackles on and Quill starts swearing. "Rocket, I need you!" he yells.Rocket groans and stands up. "I'm coming!" he yells back over the comm. "What now?" Groot asks."Either something broke or he needs me to fly this thing correctly," Rocket mutters. "Knowing Quill, probably the former. Come on, I'm gonna need a hand."Groot stands up and follows him up the stairs. You notice Drax watching you closely."What?" you ask."You remind me of my daughter. Kamaria. She would be about your age and you act just like her.""What happened to her?" you ask."She was killed by the Kree," he says sorrowfully. "Years ago. They invaded my planet and killed the women and children. The men, they pressed into slavery. I escaped just like you. I cannot imagine going back."He pauses and looks at you. "You are so young. How... why..."
  15. He nods. "It does not appear that you resent them for it.""Not really," you say. "I know why they did it. It was nothing personal."Drax looks away. "Sometimes," he says. "The fact that it was not personal can be more damaging than if it was."
  16. Suddenly, Rocket comes flying down the stairs. He sprints into a room and dives into a pile of boxes, searching frantically."What is happening?" Drax asks."The Kree found us and they want their slave back!" Rocket says. He grabs the piece he was looking for and races back up the stairs. "The external communication system is down, I need to repair it!""What shall I do?" Drax asks."Take care of the kid!" Rocket yells down. "If the Kree find out we have their fugitive, it's game over!" He crested the stairs and disappeared.Drax moves across the room and sits next to you. He rests a hand on your forearm. It's so big that it covers your arm wrist to elbow. "No matter what happens, I'm not going to let them take you," he says.
  17. The ship shudders. The other Guardians race down the stairs. "That was a 'warning shot,'" Rocket informs you both. "Another one of those and our ship is blown to bits. We have maybe five minutes before they get suspicious." "What do they want?" you ask. "You," Gamora tells you. "If we surrender the kid now, we still might get the bounty," Rocket says. "We also might not," Groot says. Rocket scoffs. "I do not approve of sending the child off to die," Drax says. "Our only other option is blowing up, so I don't approve of that!" Rocket yells. "Calm down," Quill says. "Let's think about this logically. There might be another way out."
  18. "Maybe I can help," you say. "I was a translator, remember? I can pretend that we're lost and broken down and harmless. Maybe it will convince them to go on their way." They stare at you. "That might work," Rocket says. "Especially if you use, I don't know, Centauri or something really out there." "Are you sure?" Quill asks.
  19. Rocket sighs and unhooks you from the wires. Groot offers a hand to pull you up, and you accept. He leads you up the stairs and to the cockpit. He helps you into the copilot's chair. Quill hands you a microphone as the other Guardians file into the room and take their seats. Quill stands behind you. "Rocket?" he asks."Translator is down, voice modulator is on, and the microphone is ready," he says, sliding into the pilot's seat."Tell them that our universal translator is broken and that we don't understand what they're saying," Quill prompts. In Niflheimian, you repeat what he said.
  20. It takes a tense minute, but the Kree respond. "What did they say?" Quill asks."They want us to identify ourselves," you say."Tell them we're on a ship called The Eclector, we're Ravagers who just dumped a huge haul on Knowhere, and we're headed to Sakaar to pick up a fugitive.""Is that true?" you ask."Does it matter?" Rocket retorts. "Say it!"You do. You hear a few voices discuss for a minute in Kree, and then the ship stands down and lets you pass. Rocket powers up the engines and swerves you out of there."That was something," Gamora said. "You were convincing enough that they didn't even ask for proof." "You know, we could use a translator on board." Rocket says. "What about it, kid?" Quill asks. "Would you like to stay?"
  21. "Great!" Quill says. "Welcome aboard."

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