Join anti furry Lancashire application

Anti furry fun for all, You can join right now if in Lancashire, Nelson, Colne, Barnoldswick, Manchester, Trawden, and many more! Remember to be on track whenever the weather, mood, or others.

Anti furries unite in Lancashire for literally-everyone-except-furries-and-others fun! We will have fun things to do whatever's happened, as long as you fill out this application, so stay tuned for the wonderful things we do!

Created by: angus1637
  1. Do you feel connected to a place
  2. Do you live in lancashire
  3. When you become furry
  4. select gender
  6. what does /u) represent
  7. if you where an animal which one
  8. do you have messenger-like app with purple game controller logo
  9. are you an an adult
  10. finsl question: do you call people fatherless?

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